Turn Comparison into Inspiration

Turn Comparison into Inspiration

I’m sure many of you will have heard of the concept “comparison is the thief of joy” coined by the wonderful Brené Brown.

This often comes up during coaching conversations with my one to one clients. Often the source is social media, but it can also be in the workplace or social groups.

What if we could transform comparison into a source of motivation and empowerment? Instead of letting comparison drain your energy, use it as fuel for growth.

I have outlined my 6 TOP TIPS to transform comparison into inspiration, empowering you to make meaningful choices


When you next feel comparison creeping in, feeling jealous or a lack mindset… try considering what you love about their work, their content, their lifestyle, and use it to inspire your own life choices… you probably don’t want a carbon copy of someone else’s life anyway, so take what resonates as inspiration and leave the rest. Apply what you can to your own life, inspired by what you have seen or heard.


Rather than dwelling on how much “better” someone is or how much further they are ahead of you, consider how they got there. Identify the habits, skills and strategies they have used to get there and find what aligns with you. Use comparison as a learning tool instead of a self-judgment trap.

Once you have identified the habits, start introducing new habits in to your own lifestyle. A great book on building “tiny changes for remarkable results” is Atomic Habits by James Clear.


Flipping perspectives is helpful when you are having a negative slump about something… so, if you catch yourself in a world of comparison, wishing you could be like someone else, have what someone else has or wishing you could be as “good” as someone else… firstly, you have no idea of the full story behind what’s being shared in the first place, and secondly you can’t compare someone else’s highlights to our low points…

So when we can shift our thinking from “why them” to “why not me” it opens up opportunities to explore. Their achievements show what is possible. Sure, you need to take measured action that is in alignment with your own goals and values, but when you can reframe your thinking, and see other’s people’s success as a route to your own, its a WIN.


Perhaps you’re comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel. Instead of fixating on where they are, reflect on how far you have come. The mistakes, the challenges, the barriers are all part if the learning journey, sometimes its messy and awkward, but if you keep learning, you keep growing and this will make you stronger. Celebrate the successes, the small wins. 1% every day is better than 0%. Small steps forward still count as progress.


When you have taken inspiration from others and identified your own goals, it’s time to start taking action towards your own goals. Make conscious meaningful choices that align with your bigger goals and values, and the actions


Follow people who uplift and motivate you rather than trigger self-doubt. Seek out mentors, read inspiring stories, and engage with communities that support your growth.

And, don’t forget to actually let people know you appreciate their ways too… it’s helps to promote an abundant mindset. And who knows you might make genuine connections with like minded people who can help and further inspire.

Remember, there will be someone out there who compares themselves to your highlights. Your journey, your challenges and your successes will almost certainly be influencing others.

You have the power to inspire, as well as be inspired by others.


Comparison can either keep you stuck or propel you forward. Instead of letting comparison drive you, take inspired action. Whether it's learning a new skill, networking, or setting clear goals, use comparison as a catalyst for positive change. Use that insight as a roadmap to set meaningful goals that align with your own values.

Comparison is only negative when it leads to self-doubt and discouragement. But when used wisely, it becomes a powerful source of motivation. Next time you catch yourself comparing, pause and ask: How can I turn this into inspiration?

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Did any of this resonate or help you?

Jen 💕


If any of this has resonated with you, and you want to start looking for support, reach out!

I strongly recommend having a coach. You can find out more about one to one coaching with me here or just send me an email.


Mental Health Awareness